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Jérôme Delroisse
Researcher / PhD

University of Liège
Cellular and Molecular Immunology
University of Mons
Marine Organisms Biology and Biomimetics
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Echinoderm biology

Study of a diverse group of marine invertebrates characterised by a unique pentaradial symmetry and the absence of head, brain and eyes...

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Quelli che s’innamoran di
pratica sanza scienzia son come
’l nocchier ch’entra in navilio
senza timone o bussola, che mai
ha certezza dove si vada.
Leonardo da Vinci
(Anyone who loves practice without
theory is like a sailor going aboard a
ship without rudder or compass and
having no idea where he is going.)

© 2016 by Jérôme Delroisse.

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