Award Juries
Jury Member of the Jacques Kets Prize – Thesis in Zoology (2019, Brussels; 2021, Antwerp; 2022, Brussels)
Jury Member of the Adrien Bauchau Prize – BOE Thesis (2020 - 2024)
Supervision/Co-supervision/Training of PhD students
Lovasoa Rina RAHARINAIVO (IHSM-UMONS, Toliara, Madagascar, 2024)
José Randrianandrasana (IHSM, Toliara, Madagascar, 2024)
Zineb Lebouazda (Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis Mostaganem, Algeria, 2023, 2024).
Youri Nonclercq (UMONS, Belgium, 2022-2026): Opsin-based extraocular photoreception in holothurians (co-promotor).
Wendy Bayaert (UMONS, Belgium, 2023-2027) (co-promotor).
Leandro Smacchia (UMONS, Belgium, 2023-2027) (co-promotor).
Noé Wambreuse (UMONS, Belgium; 2021-2025): Functional characterization of holothurian coelomocytes (Holothuroidea, Echinodermata)
Emilie Duthoo (UMONS, Belgium; 2020-2024): Etude intégrée et comparative des enzymes impliquées dans les modifications post-traductionnelles des protéines adhésives chez les organismes marins (co-promotor).
Toufik Mansouri (Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis Mostaganem, Algeria): Taxonomie moléculaire et phylogéographie de quelques espèces d’holothuries aspidochirotes (Echinodermata :Holothuroidea) de la côte Algérienne.
Alexia Lourtie (UMONS, Belgium; 2019-2023): Le « syndrome de séparation » chez les organismes ectocommensaux associés aux crinoïdes et aux antipathaires de la baie de Tuléar, Madagascar.
Emily Claereboudt (UMONS-ULiège, Belgium; 2018-2021): Biological Roles and Evolution of Triterpenoids in Holothuroids (April 2021).
Laurent Duchatelet (UCL, Belgium; 2015-2019): Extraocular photoreception and bioluminescence of representatives of two luminous shark families, Etmopteridae and Dalatiidae.
Supervision/Co-supervision of Master students
Clément Dubois (UMONS, 2024-2025) [Supervisor]
Lise Van Espen (UMONS, 2024-2025) [Supervisor]
Martin Joly (UMONS, 2024-2025) [Supervisor]
Carla Pugliese (UMONS, 2024-2025) [Supervisor]
Mabel Castiaux (ULiège, 2023-2024): Behavioral and physiological response of juvenile tropical sea cucumber Holothuria scabra, Jaeger, 1833, to combined thermal and immunological stress [Supervisor]
Wendy Bayaert (UMONS; 2022-2023): From luciferase to photocyte: a multi-scale exploration of bioluminescence control in Amphiura filiformis [Supervisor]
Nemo Lemaire (UMONS; 2022-2024): Molecular and structural characterization of the mutable collagenous tissue of the holothurian Holothuria forskali [Co-supervisor]
Guillaume Corbisier (UMONS; 2021-2022): Morphofunctional study of the sand canal in echinoderms [Advisor]
Robin Mignolet (UMONS; 2021-2022): Valorization of a by-product of sea cucumber aquaculture: analyses of the potential of the midgut of H. scabra for cheese production, ongoing [Advisor]
Youri Nonclercq (UMONS; 2021-2022): Opsin-based extraocular photoreception in holothurians [Supervisor]
Charlotte Nuyt (UCLouvain; 2021-2022): Ultrastructural and molecular aspects of photophores in the luminous shark Dalatias licha, ongoing [Co-supervisor]
Juliette Rousseaux (ULiège; 2020-2021): Bioluminescence in Amphiura filiformis (O.F. Müller): evolutionary history and luciferase expression [Supervisor]
Noé Wambreuse (UMONS; 2020-2021): Functional characterization of coelomocytes in the holothurian Holothuria forskali Delle Chiaje, 1823 (Holothuroidea, Echinodermata): a multidisciplinary approach [Supervisor]
Fabien Sinot (UMONS; 2020-2021): Expression profiles of different tyrosinase isoforms involved in byssus synthesis in the foot glands of the mussel Mytilus edulis Linnaeus, 1758 [Co-supervisor]
Emilie Duthoo (UMONS; 2019-2020): Characterization of the internal organic tube in the polychaete Sabellaria alveolata [Co-supervisor]
Laura Borrelo (UMONS, Belgium; 2019-2020): Morphofunctional characterization of coelomocytes in Holothuria scabra Jaeger, 1833 (Holothuroidea, Echinodermata) [Supervisor]
Arnaud Delfairière (UMONS; 2019-2020): Localization of the precursors of cementing proteins in Sabellaria alveolata [Co-supervisor]
Loic Calcagno (UMONS; 2018-2019): Morphofunctional analysis of the atypical sand canal in the tropical holothurian Holothuria scabra Jaeger, 1833 (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea) [Supervisor]
Alexia Lourtie (UCLouvain; 2018-2019): Evolution of placoid scales in deep-sea sharks: study of morphology and chemical composition [Co-supervisor]
Kévin Van Wayenberghe (UMONS; 2017-2018): Contribution to the study of "Skin Ulceration Disease" in the aquaculture species Holothuria scabra (Jaeger, 1833) [Co-supervisor]
Alida Ndanga Fokeu (UMONS; 2017-2018): Analysis of the evolution of Cuvierian tubules, the peculiar defense organs in holothuroids (Echinodermata) by the Character Mapping method [Supervisor]
Dorian Schoenaers (UMONS, Belgium; 2016-2017): Comparative study of the tunic of two species of ascidians (Urochordata) [Co-supervisor]
Michael Patrick Coghlan (QMUL, UK, 2015-2016): Expression profile of neuropeptides in the brittle star Amphiura filiformis [Co-supervisor]
Laurent Duchatelet (UCLouvain, 2014-2015): Extraocular opsin detection in lanternshark (Etmopterus spinax) photogenic tissue [Co-supervisor]
Supervision/Co-supervision of Bachelor students
Baptiste Herlemont (ISIM, Mons, Belgium, 2022): Bioinformatic study of adhesive proteins in sea cucumbers [Co-supervisor]
Rolland Hassane (UMONS, Mons, Belgium, 2021): Morphological and genetic study of Latrodectus spiders from Madagascar [Supervisor]
Joris Hornez (CONDORCET, Ath, Belgium; 2020-2021): Study of light perception in the common starfish Asterias rubens [Supervisor]
Rémy Gilbert (CONDORCET, Ath, Belgium; 2019-2020): Extraocular light perception in the common starfish [Supervisor]
Vinciane Meunier (CONDORCET, Ath, Belgium; 2017-2018): Neuroanatomical study of the starfish Asterias rubens and Asterina gibbosa [Supervisor]
Deyana Atanasova Ivanova (QMUL, London, UK, 2015-2016): Neuropeptide detection in the crinoid Antedon bifida [Co-supervisor]
Zakaryya Ahmad (QMUL, London, UK, 2015-2016): Neuropeptide detection in the crinoid Antedon bifida [Co-supervisor]
Paolo Giovanni (ISIM, Mons, Belgium; 2014-2015): Transcriptomic analysis: comparative study of the performance of different assembly software [Supervisor]
PhD thesis examination committees
José Randrianandrasana (IHSM, Toliara, Madagascar): (2025):
Antoine Gekiere (UMONS, Belgium): (Janvier 2025)
Emilie Duthoo (UMONS, Belgium): (Novembre 2024)
Constance Coubris (UCLouvain, Belgium): Insights in the trophic acquisition of bioluminescence in the ophiuroid Amphiura filiformis (September 2024)
Alexia Lourtie (UMONS-UCL, Belgium): Host separation syndrome and chemical dependency of ectosymbiotic decapods associated with echinoderms (December 2023)
Joséphine Pierrat (University of La Réunion, La Réunion): Understanding the spatial and temporal dynamics of holothurian populations in La Réunion: genetic, dietary, and environmental factors (June 2023)
Augustin Géron (UMONS): Diel cycle and circadian clocks in Prokaryotes (October 2022)
Anne H. Klein (Sunshine Coast University, Australia): Establishment of multi-omics resources for the Giant Triton Snail and the Silverlipped Pearl Oyster (December 2021)
Emily Claereboudt (UMONS-ULG, Belgium): Biological Roles and Evolution of Triterpenoids in Holothuroids(April 2021)
Jérôme Canei (UMONS, Belgium): Comparative Morphology and Physiology of Psammophilous Vertebrates (two Lepidosaurians and three Teleosts) (March 2020)
Laurent Duchatelet (UCLouvain, Belgium): Extraocular photoreception and bioluminescence of representatives of two luminous shark families, Etmopteridae and Dalatiidae (October 2019)
Meaghan Kate Smith (Sunshine Coast University, Australia): Molecular investigations of the neural system in the Crown-of-Thorns Seastar, Acanthaster planci species-complex (February 2019)
Gaëtan Tsiresy (UMONS, Belgium): Integrative biological analyses (influence on nitrogen and carbon incorporation, phenology, and phylogeny) of epiphytic algae responsible for EFAD (Epiphytic Filamentous Algal Disease) in Kappaphycus alvarezii fields in Madagascar (June 2016)
Gildas Todinanahary (UMONS, Belgium): Evaluation of the biological, economic, and social potential of coral farming in southwestern Madagascar (June 2016)
Master thesis examination committees
Laura Parise (UCLouvain, January 2025): La coelentérazine, substrat de la réaction lumineuse, depuis son acquisition trophique jusqu’à sa localisation histologique chez l’ophiure Amphiura filiformis
Bastien DE TANDT (UMONS, September 2024): Osmiine bees (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae,tribe Osmiini) of Europe: ecology, distribution, and conservation
Luna BREUER (UMONS, September 2024): Effets du Cu et du Cd sur le fitness et le développement de Bombus terrestris
Laura Parise (UCLouvain, January 2025): La coelentérazine, substrat de la réaction lumineuse, depuis son acquisition trophique jusqu’à sa localisation histologique chez l’ophiure Amphiura filiformis
Luca Dorio (UMONS, June 2024): When trace metals are no longer trace: Impact of cadmium and Copper on the Behaviour and Physiology of a Model Pollinator (Bombus terrestris L.).
Guillaume Corbisier (UMONS): Analyse morpho-fonctionnelle et comparative du canal du sable chez les Holothuroidea (November 2022)
Samuel Kindylides (UMONS): Caractérisation fonctionnelle de l’interaction entre la protéine NS1 du virus Influenza A et les E3 ubiquitine ligases Cdh1 et RC3H2 (September 2022)
Sébastien Gennaux (UMONS): Systèmes visuels chez deux espèces de scinques tropicaux (Squamata, Scincidae) (September 2021)
Antoine Gekière (UMONS, Belgium): FROM POISON TO POTION: Effects of sunflower phenolamides on bumblebee microcolonies and individuals (September 2021)
Clément Tourbez (UMONS, Belgium): Study of the landscape effect on apoid feeding and communities. With a pollination network methodology review and highlighting the benefits of palynology (June 2021)
Martin Begou : L’aubépine, une pharmacie naturelle ? Etude de la toxicité et du potentiel médicatif de Crataegus monogyna (Jacq.) sur l’abeille sauvage sociale Bombus terrestris (L.) (September 2021)
Maryam Bendoumou (UMONS, Belgium): Implication du facteur cellulaire UHRF1 dans la latence du virus de l’immunodéficience humaine de type 1 (VIH1) (June 2020)
Romain Tagnon (UCL, Belgium): A study of bioluminescent Pycnogonids: a first approach (September 2019)
Kimberly Przybyla (UMONS, Belgium) : Impact du stress hyperthermique sur la fertilité et le profil protéique des mâles de bourdons (Hymenoptera: Apidae) (June 2019)
Nadège Georges (UMONS, Belgium) : Réponse écophysiologique de Seriatopora hystrix (Dana, 1846) suite à un stress hypo ou hypersalin à court terme (September 2018)
Claire Hermans (UCLouvain, Belgium): Etude comparée de la bioluminescence chez les Myctophidae et les Stomiidae (January 2016)
Morgane Algrain (UMONS Belgium): Etude de la biogenèse du ribosome dans des cellules infectées par le virus Influenza A (September 2017)
Fanny Bellière (UCL, Belgium): Acquisition trophique de la bioluminescence chez l’ophiure Amphiura filiformis (September 2016)
Laurent Duchatelet (UCL, Belgium); Extraocular opsin detection in the velvet belly lanternshark, Etmopterus spinax (September 2015).
Marie-Charlotte Gielen (UCL, Belgium): Ethological approach of light perception by a bioluminescent pelagic polychaete Tomopteris helgolandica (January 2016)
Camille Le Polain (UCL Belgium): Etude de l’induction trophique de la bioluminescence et de la réacquisition des composés lumineux lors de la régénération chez Amphiura filiformis [Echinodermata-Ophiuroidea] (January 2015)
Benoit Ganty (UCL, Belgium): Etude de la fluorescence comme outil de caractérisation des sites photogènes de l’annélide marin bioluminescent Tomopteris helgolandica (Polychaeta: Tomopteridae) (September 2014)
Student internship examination committees
Lorie SALMON (UMONS, Belgium, 2024)
Lauralyne PAULET (UMONS, Belgium, 2024)
Lise Van Espen (UMONS, Belgium, June 2024): Impact de la lumière artificielle la nuit (ALAN) sur l'espèce amphiprion chrysopterus
Samuel Marcelli (CARAH, Ath): Développement de méthodes moléculaires d’identification de plantes (January 2024)
Louis Simon (UMONS, Belgium): Développement d’une méthode d’échantillonnage et d’amorces dans le but d’inventorier les diatomées du sol (January 2023).
Louis Simon (UMONS, Belgium): The effects of global warming on Microarthridion littorale (Poppe, 1881) (January 2023).
Clémentine Deleuze (UMONS, Belgium): Comparative analysis of neuropeptide expression in the arm of the European starfish Asterias rubens (June 2022).
Lisa Mussoi (UMONS, Belgium): Taxonomie et biogéographie de la famille des Asterinidae: zoom sur le genre Aquilonastra (June 2022)
Apolline Michel (UMONS, Belgium): Pathogen prevalence in pollinator populations: Molecular techniques for pathogen detection.
Ayoub Adib (UMONS, Belgium): Exploration du microbiome des scléractiniaires: introduction aux techniques d'analyse métagénomique (January 2022).
Sébastien Haye (UMONS, Belgium) : Inventaire et suivi des populations d’abeilles sauvages en réserves naturelles wallonnes (September 2021)
Maxime Bodson (UMONS, Belgium) : Inventaire et suivi des populations d’abeilles sauvages en réserves naturelles wallonnes (September 2021)
Justine Delbecque (UMONS, Belgium): Évaluation du profil écotoxicologique de l’estétrol (E4) sur Danio rerio (June 2021)
Antoine Gekière: Solitary Bee Microbiota. Characterization through MALDITOF MS and Illumina MiSeq (June 2021)
Antoine Gekière: Pesticide use: sublethal effect, co-formulants and further considerations (June 2020).
Sarah Palumbo (UMONS, Belgium): Diversity of Apoidea in Malta in relation to the island environment, morphological traits and phylogeny (June 2019)
Madeleine GILLE (UMONS, Belgium): Étude et critique aquariologique des installations du Nautilus à Pairi Daiza (June 2019)
Maïlis Wuilmart (UMONS, Belgium): Observation des baleines à bosses: étude des chants et des unités sonores (September 2018).
Alida Ndanga Fokeu (UMONS, Belgium) : Caractérisation de la population bactérienne des eaux de surface (Extraction de l'ADN, PCR, Clonage, Séquençage) (June 2017)
Kévin Vanwayenberghe (UMONS, Belgium) : Mise au point d’une méthode de quantification de Pseudomonas syringae pv. aesculi par QPCR (June 2017)
Laurie-Anne Lamotte (UMONS, Belgium) : Sélection et amélioration de la chicorée industrielle (June 2017)