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Teaching activity at UMONS

Introduction to phylogenetic inference data and analyses (S-BIOG-032)

  • Master level

  • Practical courses

  • 40h

  • 2018 - 2021

Introduction to bioinformatics (S-BIOG-143)

  • Master level

  • Theoretical/Practical courses

  • 15h

  • Since 2021

Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology (S-BIOG-929)

  • Bachelor level

  • Theoretical/Practical courses

  • 30h

  • Co-lecturer

  • Since 2020

Molecular phylogeny of organisms (S-BIOG-026)

  • Master level

  • Theoretical/Practical courses

  • 7h

  • Co-lecturer

  • Since 2017

Inter-bloc projects (SBIOG-952-5)

  • Bachelor/Master levels

  • Project management

  • 15h

  • Co-lecturer

  • 2020-2022

Scientific article training

  • Master level

  • Practical courses

  • 2h

  • Since 2023

  • Supporting lecturer

Scientific workshop training (S-BIOG-999)

  • Master level

  • Practical courses

  • 2h

  • Since 2018

  • Supporting lecturer

Comparative histology of invertebrates: photoreception (S-BIOG-052)

  • Master level

  • Theoretical courses

  • 2h (seminar)

  • Since 2016

Biology of marine invertebrates: bioluminescence (S-BIOG-100)

  • Master level

  • Theoretical courses

  • 2h (seminar)

  • Since 2017

Introduction to Electron Microscopy (S-BIOG-031)

  • Master level

  • Practical courses

  • 2h

  • Since 2016

  • Supporting lecturer

© 2016 by Jérôme Delroisse.

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