Organisation of conferences & workshops
Chairman, International Echinoderm Conference (Tenerife, Spain; July 2024)
Organisation of the "Master Day Biology event" of the Royal Society of Zoology of Belgium (Antwerp Zoo, 2021)
Organisation of the "Short-Course on Antifouling Performance Evaluation," BYEFOULING FP7, MNOVA/UMONS (Mons, 2017)
Organisation of the "Joint Workshop Byefouling-Seafront" BYEFOULING-FP7, (Toulon, France, 2016)
Organisation of the "London Echinoderm Network Meeting" (London, United Kingdom, 2015)
Organisation of the conference of the Interuniversity Center for Marine Biology, CIBIM (Mons, 2013)
Participation in the organisation of the European Echinoderm Conference (Brussels, 2012)
Chairman, Virtual Echinoderm Network (2020)
Chairman, Zoology 2018 (Antwerp, 2018; Sessions "Ecotoxicology, Physiology, Molecular Mechanism" and "Zoology in Anthropocene"),
Chairman, Zoology 2022 (Kortrijk, 2022; Sessions "Marine Bioluminescence")
International scientific conferences
XXII International Symposium of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (ISBC)and the XX International Symposium of Luminescence Spectroscopy (ISLS) (Foz Iguazzu, Brazil; June 2024)
International Echinoderm Conference (Tenerife, Spain; July 2024)
VLIZ Marine Science Day (Ostende, Belgium; March 2024)
Matinée des Chercheurs 2024 (Mons, Belgium; March 2024)
Zoology 2024 (Mons, Belgique)
Zoology 2023 (Leiden, Holland)
Eye evolution Workshop 2023 (Gottingen, Germany)
European Echinoderm conference 2023 (Lyon, France)
Zoology 2022 (KUL, Kortrijk, Belgium, September 2022)
Assemble Plus Conference 2022 - Marine Biological research at the frontier (Virtual, June 2022)
21st International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence and XIX International Symposium on Luminescence Spectrometry (Gijon, Spain, June 2022)
Fossils, Phylogenies, Genomes, Embryos & the Evolution of the Deuterostomes (NHM, London, UK, May 2022)
Biodiversity in a rapidly changing world 2022 (UCL, Belgium, May 2022)
Virtual Echinoderm Network 2020 (August 2020)
First Virtual Symposium on Phylogenomics and Comparative Genomics 2020 (July 2020)
Zoology 2019 (Groningen, Holland, December 2019)
- London Echinoderm Network 2019 (London, UK, July 2019)
London Echinoderm Network 2018 (Bristol, UK, December 2018)
Zoology 2018 (Antwerp, Belgium, December 2018)
ISBC2018 (Nantes, France, May 2018)
4th International Conference on Invertebrate Morphology (Moscow, Russia, August 2017)
Zoology 2016 (Antwerp, Belgium)
Golden Jubilee Meeting of the Royal Belgian Society of Microscopy (Brussels, Belgium, September 8-9 , 2016)
19th International Conference on Marine Corrosion and Biofouling (Toulon, July 2016)
28th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists (Leuven, Belgium, 2016)
FP7 Byefouling project meetings (Oslo, Norway, 2014; San Sebastian, Spain, 2014; Berlin, Germany, 2016; Toulon, France, 2016)
1st International Conference "Living Light: Uniting biology and photonics (Namur, Belgium, 2014)
2nd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (Istanbul, Turkey, 2014)
18th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (Uppsala, Sweden, 2014)
17th International Conference on Marine Corrosion and Biofouling (Singapore, 2014)
EFOR Meeting: Network of functional studies in model organisms (Paris, France, 2012) (guest lecturer)
17th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (Guelph, Canada, 2012)
14th International Echinoderm Conference (Brussels, Belgium, 2012)
19th Benelux Congress of Zoology (Brussels, Belgium, 2012)
20th Benelux Congress of Zoology (Liège, Belgium, 2012)
2nd Scientific meeting Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (Mons, Belgium, 2011)
7th European Conference on Echinoderms (Göttingen, Germany, 2010)
Workshops, Training Courses, Field missions
Mission in IOCAS (Qingdao, China) (2023)
Workshop “Development, Function and Evolution of Invertebrate Eyes (2023, Goettingen, Germany)
Workshop on Sea Cucumber Aquaculture (Marine Station of Concarneau, Brittany, France) (2022)
Multiple Missions at the Kristineberg Marine Station (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) (2010-2022)
Multiple Missions at the Tjarno Marine Station University of Gothenburg, Sweden) (2017-2021)
COST Workshop "Omics for Studying Stem Cells in Model and Non-model Aquatic Invertebrate Systems" (University of Padova) (Online, 2001)
ANGUS Workshop: Next-Gen Sequence Analysis UC Davis University (California, USA) (2017)
Missions at the Institute of Marine Sciences of Tuléar Tuléar, Madagascar Organism Collection, Laboratory Experiments, Interactions with Indian Ocean Trepang Society, IHSM Tuléar (2017)
Short-Course on Antifouling Performance Evaluation (BYEFOULING, MNOVA/UMONS), Belgium (2017)
Short Course - San Sebastian, (BYEFOULING, CIDETEC) Spain (2016)
Joint BYEFOULING-SEAFRONT workshop: "Bridging the gap between academia and industry - A collaborative enterprise", Toulon, France (2016)
Spider Taxonomy Training, (Belgium CRIE of Harchies, Belgium)
Short-Course on "Theorical and practical aspects of marine paints preparation and application" (BYEFOULING, Jotun) Sandeford, Norway (September 2014)
Mission at Newcastle University
International Masterclass in ImmunoGold Silver Staining - Aurion, Holland (2013)
Belgian Scientific Diver training course - Stareso Marine Station, Calvi (2012)
Fundraisers Forum, Fundraising Training Give Wisely asbl, Tervuren (2019)
Structural and functional proteomic & mass spectrometry training course - UMH, Belgium (2009)
Special Histology training course - UMH, Belgium) (2008)
Molecular Phylogeny training course - UMH, Begium (2008)
Electron Microscopy training course - UMH, Belgium (2008)
Biological Macro- and Microphotography and treatment of images training course - UMONS, Belgium (2007)
ERAMUS Training course : "Biodiversity in Megatidal Sea" - Marine Station of Roscoff, France (2007)
Entomology and Mountain Environment training course - Nature Reserve of Nyer, Oriental-Pyrenees, France) (2007)
Entomology training course - Vidauban, Var, France (2007)
Reviewing & Membership
BMC Genomics
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Scientific Reports
PLoS One
Marine Genomics
JEZ Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution
Marine Biology
Photoimmunology & Photomedicine
Cahier de Biologie Marine
Marine Biology
Biology Open
Member of the "CISEM – Interfacultar center of Sciences and Medecine" (2004-2009 - UMONS)
Active member of the "CIBIM - Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine" (UMONS-ULB)
Member of the "Alumni College" from The Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium
Board member of the Royal Belgian Zoological Society (since 2018)
Member of the European Society for Comparative Endocrinology
Member of the International Society for Invertebrate Morphology
Member of COST project Biological Adhesives: From Biology to Biomimetic
Member of COST project Stem Cells of Marine/Aquatic Invertebrates: from basic research to innovative applications
Member of the Biology Committee of the Belgium Diving Ligue (LIFRAS)
Science popularisation
Conference entitled: "Learning Sciences: A Guarantee for the Future?" (Academic Year Opening, UCharleroi Campus)
Conference entitled: "Le mystère des plastisphères : film et débat à la clé !" (UMONS, Mons, Belgium)
Conference entitled: "Quand l’environnement joue avec nos gênes : de la génétique à l’épigénétique…" (Tournai, Belgium)
Conference entitled: "La nuit des deux infinis" (UMONS, Mons, Belgium)
Conference entitled: "Les abandonnés de l'Arbre de la Vie" (Printemps des Sciences, Mons, Belgium, 19/03/2018)
Conference entitled: "Grand Quizz de l'Arbre de la Vie" (Printemps des Sciences, Mons, Belgium)
Scientific exhibition "Diversité des invertébrés marins" (Printemps des Sciences, Mons, Belgium)
Conference entitled: "Finding Dory" seen by 2 marine biologists (SciTech2/UMONS event, 2016)
Scientific advisor for the exhibition "Blablabla" on communication in nature (2016)
Scientific exhibition "Diversité des invertébrés marins" (Printemps des Sciences, Le Pass, Frameries, Belgium, 2016)
Matinée des chercheurs (University of Mons, Belgium, 2016)
Scientific advisor for "Science et Vie Junior" ("Les lumières de la nuit")
Scientific exhibition "Diversité des invertébrés marins" (Printemps des Sciences, Le Pass, Frameries, Belgium)
Matinée des chercheurs (University of Mons, Belgium)
Scientific exhibition "Bar moléculaire" (Nuit des chercheurs, Mons, Belgium)
Participation à la Nuit des chercheurs: "Plongez dans votre aquarium" (Mons, Belgium, 2012)
Conference entitled "La phylogénie expliquée au plongeur" (Scientific commission LIFRAS, UCL, Louvain-La-Neuve, 2012)
"Encadrant biologiste au Stage Zélande de la LIFRAS" (Scientific commission LIFRAS, Zeeland, Netherlands, August 2012)
"Encadrant biologiste au Stage Zélande de la LIFRAS" (Scientific commission LIFRAS, Zeeland, Netherlands, July, 2012)
Scientific exhibition "Diversité des invertébrés marins" (Printemps des Sciences, Le Pass, Frameries, Belgium, 2012)
Matinée des chercheurs (University of Mons, Belgium, 2011)
"Biodiversité des lacs et étangs" (Scientific commission LIFRAS, Barrage de l'eau d'heure, Belgium, 2010)
Scientific exhibition "Lumière vivante" (Nuit des Chercheurs, Bozar, Bruxelles, Belgique, 2010)