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Organisation of conferences & workshops

  • Chairman, International Echinoderm Conference (Tenerife, Spain; July 2024)

  • Organisation of the "Master Day Biology event" of the Royal Society of Zoology of Belgium (Antwerp Zoo, 2021)

  • Organisation of the "Short-Course on Antifouling Performance Evaluation," BYEFOULING FP7, MNOVA/UMONS (Mons, 2017)

  • Organisation of the "Joint Workshop Byefouling-Seafront" BYEFOULING-FP7, (Toulon, France, 2016)

  • Organisation of the "London Echinoderm Network Meeting" (London, United Kingdom, 2015)

  • Organisation of the conference of the Interuniversity Center for Marine Biology, CIBIM (Mons, 2013)

  • Participation in the organisation of the European Echinoderm Conference (Brussels, 2012)

  • Chairman, Virtual Echinoderm Network (2020)

  • Chairman, Zoology 2018 (Antwerp, 2018; Sessions "Ecotoxicology, Physiology, Molecular Mechanism" and "Zoology in Anthropocene"),

  • Chairman, Zoology 2022 (Kortrijk, 2022; Sessions "Marine Bioluminescence")

International scientific conferences

  • XXII International Symposium of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (ISBC)and the XX International Symposium of Luminescence Spectroscopy (ISLS) (Foz Iguazzu, Brazil; June 2024)

  • International Echinoderm Conference (Tenerife, Spain; July 2024)

  • VLIZ Marine Science Day (Ostende, Belgium; March 2024)

  • Matinée des Chercheurs 2024 (Mons, Belgium; March 2024)

  • Zoology 2024 (Mons, Belgique)

  • Zoology 2023 (Leiden, Holland)

  • Eye evolution Workshop 2023 (Gottingen, Germany)

  • European Echinoderm conference 2023 (Lyon, France)

  • Zoology 2022 (KUL, Kortrijk, Belgium, September 2022)

  • Assemble Plus Conference 2022 - Marine Biological research at the frontier (Virtual, June 2022)

  • 21st International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence and XIX International Symposium on Luminescence Spectrometry (Gijon, Spain, June 2022)

  • Fossils, Phylogenies, Genomes, Embryos & the Evolution of the Deuterostomes (NHM, London, UK, May 2022)

  • Biodiversity in a rapidly changing world 2022 (UCL, Belgium, May 2022)

  • Virtual Echinoderm Network 2020 (August 2020)

  • First Virtual Symposium on Phylogenomics and Comparative Genomics 2020 (July 2020)

  • Zoology 2019 (Groningen, Holland, December 2019)

  • London Echinoderm Network 2019 (London, UK, July 2019)
  • London Echinoderm Network 2018 (Bristol, UK, December 2018)

  • Zoology 2018 (Antwerp, Belgium, December 2018)

  • ISBC2018 (Nantes, France, May 2018)

  • 4th International Conference on Invertebrate Morphology (Moscow, Russia, August 2017) 

  • Zoology 2016 (Antwerp, Belgium)

  • Golden Jubilee Meeting of the Royal Belgian Society of Microscopy (Brussels, Belgium, September 8-9 , 2016)

  • 19th International Conference on Marine Corrosion and Biofouling (Toulon, July 2016)

  • 28th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists (Leuven, Belgium, 2016)

  • FP7 Byefouling project meetings (Oslo, Norway, 2014; San Sebastian, Spain, 2014; Berlin, Germany, 2016; Toulon, France, 2016)

  • 1st International Conference "Living Light: Uniting biology and photonics (Namur, Belgium, 2014)

  • 2nd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (Istanbul, Turkey, 2014)

  • 18th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (Uppsala, Sweden, 2014)

  • 17th International Conference on Marine Corrosion and Biofouling (Singapore, 2014)

  • EFOR Meeting: Network of functional studies in model organisms (Paris, France, 2012) (guest lecturer)

  • 17th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence  (Guelph, Canada, 2012)

  • 14th International Echinoderm Conference (Brussels, Belgium, 2012)

  • 19th Benelux Congress of Zoology (Brussels, Belgium, 2012)

  • 20th Benelux Congress of Zoology (Liège, Belgium, 2012)

  • 2nd Scientific meeting Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (Mons, Belgium, 2011)

  • 7th European Conference on Echinoderms (Göttingen, Germany, 2010)

Workshops, Training Courses, Field missions

  • Workshop on Sea Cucumber Aquaculture (Marine Station of Concarneau, Brittany, France) (2022)

  • Multiple Missions at the Kristineberg Marine Station (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) (2010-2022)

  • Multiple Missions at the Tjarno Marine Station University of Gothenburg, Sweden) (2017-2021) 

  • COST Workshop "Omics for Studying Stem Cells in Model and Non-model Aquatic Invertebrate Systems" (University of Padova) (Online, 2001)

  • ANGUS Workshop: Next-Gen Sequence Analysis UC Davis University (California, USA) (2017)

  • Missions at the Institute of Marine Sciences of Tuléar Tuléar, Madagascar Organism Collection, Laboratory Experiments, Interactions with Indian Ocean Trepang Society, IHSM Tuléar (2017)

  • Short-Course on Antifouling Performance Evaluation (BYEFOULING, MNOVA/UMONS), Belgium (2017)

  • Short Course - San Sebastian, (BYEFOULING, CIDETEC) Spain (2016)

  • Joint BYEFOULING-SEAFRONT workshop: "Bridging the gap between academia and industry - A collaborative enterprise", Toulon, France (2016) 

  • Spider Taxonomy Training, (Belgium CRIE of Harchies, Belgium)

  • EMBO Workshop - "Marine animal models in evolution and development: Focus on neurobiology", Kristineberg, Sweden (2015)

  • Short-Course on "Theorical and practical aspects of marine paints preparation and application"  (BYEFOULING, Jotun) Sandeford, Norway (September 2014)

  • Mission at Newcastle University

  • International Masterclass in ImmunoGold Silver Staining - Aurion, Holland (2013)

  • Belgian Scientific Diver training course - Stareso Marine Station, Calvi (2012)

  • Fundraisers Forum, Fundraising Training Give Wisely asbl, Tervuren (2019)

  • Structural and functional proteomic & mass spectrometry training course - UMH, Belgium (2009)

  • Special Histology  training course - UMH, Belgium) (2008)

  • Molecular Phylogeny training course - UMH, Begium (2008)

  • Electron Microscopy training course - UMH, Belgium (2008)

  • Biological Macro- and Microphotography and treatment of images training course - UMONS, Belgium (2007)

  • ERAMUS Training course : "Biodiversity in Megatidal Sea" - Marine Station of Roscoff, France (2007)

  • Entomology and Mountain Environment training course - Nature Reserve of Nyer, Oriental-Pyrenees, France) (2007)

  • Entomology training course - Vidauban, Var, France (2007)​​

Reviewing & Membership

  • Referee/Reviewer:

    • BMC Genomics

    • Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

    • Scientific Reports

    • PLoS One

    • Marine Genomics

    • JEZ Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution

    • Marine Biology

    • Photodermatology

    • Photoimmunology & Photomedicine

    • Cahier de Biologie Marine

    • Gene

    • Marine Biology

    • Biology Open

  • Member of the  "CISEM – Interfacultar center of Sciences and Medecine" (2004-2009 - UMONS)

  • Active member of the  "CIBIM - Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine" (UMONS-ULB)

  • Member of the "Alumni College" from The Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium

  • Board member of the Royal Belgian Zoological Society (since 2018)

  • Member of the European Society for Comparative Endocrinology

  • Member of the International Society for Invertebrate Morphology

  • Member of COST project Biological Adhesives: From Biology to Biomimetic

  • Member of COST project Stem Cells of Marine/Aquatic Invertebrates: from basic research to innovative applications

  • Member of the Biology Committee of the Belgium Diving Ligue (LIFRAS)


Science popularisation 





  • Conference entitled: "Les abandonnés de l'Arbre de la Vie" (Printemps des Sciences, Mons, Belgium, 19/03/2018) 



  • Conference entitled: "Finding Dory" seen by 2 marine biologists (SciTech2/UMONS event, 2016)

  • Scientific advisor for the exhibition "Blablabla" on communication in nature (2016)

  • Scientific exhibition "Diversité des invertébrés marins" (Printemps des Sciences, Le Pass, Frameries, Belgium, 2016)

  • Matinée des chercheurs (University of Mons, Belgium, 2016)



  • Scientific advisor for "Science et Vie Junior" ("Les lumières de la nuit")




  • Matinée des chercheurs (University of Mons, Belgium, 2011)


© 2016 by Jérôme Delroisse.

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