Oral communications
Delroisse, J. et al. What can a brittle star genome tell us? CIBIM, Liège, Belgium (2024)
Wambreuse, N., Bossiroy, B., Eeckhaut, I., David, F., Vanwinge, C., Caulier, G. and Delroisse, J. The colourful immune response of sea cucumbers: a cell story! CIBIM, Liège, Belgium (2024)
Delroisse, J. et al. "ECHINODERM OPSINS: from Molecular Evolution to Sensory Ecology", International Echinoderm Conference 2024, Tenerife, Spain (2024)
Delroisse, J. et al. "New genomic insights illuminate the bioluminescence of the European brittle star Amphiura filiformis", XXII International Symposium of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (ISBC) and the XX International Symposium of Luminescence Spectroscopy (ISLS), Foz Iguazzu, Brazil (2024) (Keynote)
Coubris, C., Duchateletet, L., Delroisse, J., Bayaert, W.S., Eloy, M.C., Pels, C., Mallefet, J. , XXII International Symposium of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (ISBC) and the XX International Symposium of Luminescence Spectroscopy (ISLS), Foz Iguazzu, Brazil (2024)
Lemaire, N., Singh, N., Lin, A., Wattiez, R., Delroisse, J., Harrington, M. & Flammang, P. "Molecular investigation of the mutable collagenous tissue in the sea cucumber Holothuria forskali", International Echinoderm Conference 2024, Tenerife, Spain (2024)
Ventura, I., Delroisse, J., Henriques, B., Flammang, P. and Santos, R. "TRANSCRIPTOME ANALYSIS OF THE TUBE FEET OF THE SEA URCHIN SPHAERECHINUS GRANULARIS", International Echinoderm Conference 2024, Tenerife, Spain (2024)
Bossiroy, E., Wambreuse, N., David, F., Vanwinge, C., Ormenese, S., Delroisse, J., Eeckhaut, I. and Caulier, G. "PIGMENTED COELOMOCYTES IN HOLOTHUROIDS: New Perspectives on the Role of Pigments", International Echinoderm Conference 2024, Tenerife, Spain (2024)
Wambreuse, N., Bossiroy, B., Eeckhaut, I., David, F., Vanwinge, C., Caulier, G. and Delroisse, J. "Holothuroid immunity: towards a targeted functional characterisation of coelomocyte cell types", International Echinoderm Conference 2024, Tenerife, Spain (2024)
Duthoo, E. et al. "Unraveling the Complexity of the Tyrosinase(s) Involved in the Blue Mussel Adhesive System". 46th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Savannah, USA
Flammang Patrick, Lemaire Némo, Singh Nathalie, Lin Amy, Delroisse Jérôme, Moraes Christopher, Harrington Matthew J. “Mechanically tunable collagen scaffolds for tissue engineering applications inspired by sea cucumbers”, European Conference on Echinoderms”, Lyon, France (2023)
Delroisse J. et al. “Keep your eyes on the stars… and their genes! News insights into the bioluminescence of the brittle star Amphiura filiformis”, 11th European Conference on Echinoderms, Lyon, France (2023)
Whaite, A., Herlemont, B., Delroisse, J., & Flammang, P. Bonding with sea cucumbers: identification of tube foot adhesive proteins from transcriptomic data. 11th European Conference on Echinoderms (ECE11), Lyon, France (2023).
Wambreuse, N., Bossiroy, E., Delroisse, J., Vanwinge, C., Eeckhaut, I., & Caulier, G. Divergent functions between perivisceral and hydrovascular fluids under immunological stress in sea cucumbers (Holothuria forskali). 11th Echinoderm Conference On Echinoderms, Lyon, France (2023)
Nonclercq, Y., Flammang, P., Eeckhaut, I., & Delroisse, J. “New lights on ocellar and extraocellar photoreception in sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea, Echinodermata)”, Development, Function, and Evolution of Invertebrate eyes, Göttingen, Germany (2023).
Nonclercq, Y., Flammang, P., Eeckhaut, I., & Delroisse, J. « Study of sea cucumber photoreception », 11th European Conference on Echinoderms (ECE11), Lyon, France, (2023)
Delroisse J. et al. “Opsin-based extraocular photoreception in sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea, Echinodermata)","London Echinoderm Network", Londres, UK, (2022)
Delroisse J. et al. « STORY OF A SEA CUCUMBER DISEASE: a multidisciplinary approach of the Skin Ulceration Syndrome in H. scabra », Workshop Sea cucumber aquaculture, Concarneau, France (2022)
Wambreuse, Noé, Delroisse Jérôme, Tagliatti Vanessa, Eeckhaut Igor, Borrello Laura, Caulier Guillaume, « How do sea cucumbers cope with bacterial infection? Let's bring coelomocytes into the world of omics », Workshop Sea cucumber aquaculture, Concarneau, France (2022)
Wambreuse, Noé, Delroisse Jérôme, Tagliatti Vanessa, Eeckhaut Igor, Borrello Laura, Caulier Guillaume, « A multi-omics approach provides a deeper understanding of the immune response of sea cucumber coelomocytes to lipopolysaccharides”, 4th congress on fish and shellfish immunology, Bodø, Norway (2022)
Delroisse J. et al. “From gene evolution to sensory ecology: insight into opsin-based photoreception in brainless and eyeless echinoderms”, Biodiversity in a rapidly changing world, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium (2022)
Wambreuse Noé, Delroisse Jérôme, Caulier Guillaume, Eeckhaut Igor, “Into the secrets of coelomocytes – The immune system sentinels of the endangered sea cucumber Holothuria scabra”, Biodiversity in a rapidly changing world », Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium (2022)
Duchatelet Laurent, Delroisse Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, Mallefet Jérôme, « Bioluminescence physiological regulation through photo-perception: an unexpected functional convergent evolution », 21st International Symposium on Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence, Gijon, Spain (2022)
Delroisse J. et al. "WHERE DOES YOUR (LUCIFERASE) GENE COME FROM? Evolution of light-emitting enzymes in animals." in « Zoology 2021 », Kortrijk, Belgium (2022)
Nonclercq Youri, Delroisse Jérôme, Eeckhaut Igor, Flammang Patrick. "BLIND LIKE A SEA-CUCUMBER? Opsin-based extraocular photoreception in holothurians (Holothuroidea, Echinodermata)”,Zoology 2021", Kortrijk, Belgium, (2022)
Wambreuse Noé, Delroisse Jérôme, Tagliatti Vanessa, Gabriele Sylvain, Deridoux Amandine, Vanwinge Céline, Ormenese Sandra, Eeckhaut Igor, Caulier Guillaume, « Complex immune system of sea cucumbers into the secrets of coelomocytes », Zoology 2021, Kortrijk, Belgium (2022)
Lourtie Alexia, Delroisse Jérôme, Caulier Guillaume, Brasseur Lola, Terrana Lucas, Mallefet Jérôme, "Does the chemical environment impact the survival of a host-specific symbiont? A transcriptomic approach of a host-separation syndrome”, 36th annual meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology, Stellenbosch, South Africa (2021)
Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Extraocular photoreception in Metazoans: case of brainless and eyeless (but nonetheless successful) echinoderms”, ELIB Seminar, UCLouvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium (2021)
Delroisse Jérôme, Borrello Laura, Calcagno Loic, Flammang Patrick, Eeckhaut Igor, "A sea cucumber walks into a lab: skin ulceration disease, stone canal & coelomocytes”, The First Virtual Echinoderm Network Meeting (VEN2020), Virtual (2020)
Grace M.A., Doosey M.H., Denton J.S.S., Naylor G.J.P., Bart H.L.Jr., Maisey J.G., Delroisse Jérôme, "A New Species of Kitefin Shark (Squaliformes: Dalatiidae: Mollisquama mississippiensis) from the Gulf of Mexico”, 45th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Jackson, USA (2020)
Delroisse Jérôme, Gilbert Rémy, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Perceive the light without eyes and brain: insights from the pentaradial echinoderms”,Zoology 2019" , Groningen, Holland (2019)
Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "A new project: Extraocular opsin-based photoreception in the common sea star Asterias rubens”, London Echinoderm Network 2019, London, United-Kingdom (2019)
Lourtie Alexia, Duchatelet Laurent, Delroisse Jérôme, Straube Nicolas, Mallefet Jérôme, "Evolution of placoid scales in deep-water sharks: from morphology to atomic composition”, The 25th Benelux congress of Zoology, “Zoology in the Anthropocene, Anvers, Belgium (2018)
Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Extraocular photoreceptor in echinoderms: what was done, what we did, what we what to do!”, London Echinoderm Network 7, Bristol, UK (2018)
Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Brain-less & Eye-less: evolution of opsins in the unexpected context of echinoderms”, Zoology Meeting 2018, Antwerp, Belgium (2018)
Duchatelet Laurent, Claes Julien, Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, "Embryonic encephalopsin detection supports bioluminescence perception in lanternshark”, Zoology Meeting 2018, Antwerp, Belgium (2018)
Delroisse Jérôme, Van Wayenberghe Kevin, Flammang Patrick, Eeckhaut Igor, "The skin ulceration syndrome of aquacultivated Holothuria scabra in the South-West of Madagascar”, CIBIM (Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine), Liège, Belgium (2018)
Otjacques Eve, Duchatelet Laurent, Helm Conrad, Flammang Patrick, Delroisse Jérôme, Hausen Harald, Mallefet Jérôme, "In the eye of the holopelagic annelid Tomopteris helgolandica”, 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium, Oostend, Belgium (2018)
Duchatelet Laurent, Claes Julien, Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, "Embryonic encephalopsin detection supports bioluminescence perception in lanternsharks”, CIBIM (Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine), Liège, Belgium (2018)
Duchatelet Laurent, Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, "Shark bioluminescence control possibly evolved/co-opted from vertebrate skin pigmentation control”, European Elasmobranch Association Annual Scientific Conference", Amsterdam, Holland (2017)
Delroisse Jérôme, Ullrich-Lüter Esther, Blaue Stefanie, Flammang Patrick, Mallefet Jérôme, "Bioluminescence of a Brittle star, from Luciferase homology to Photocyte Ultrastructure”, 4th International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology, Moscow, Russia (2017)
Duchatelet Laurent, Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, "Ventral skin light perception involved in the bioluminescence control mechanism in the velvet belly lanternshark, Etmopterus spinax?”, Zoology 2016, Antwerp, Belgium (2016)
Delroisse Jérôme, Tian Shi, Weigang Cai, Semmens Dean, Adeiye Odekunle Esther, Alfonso Yanez Guerra Luis, Egertova Michaela, Elphick Maurice, "The anatomy of neuropeptide gene expression in a pentaradial bilaterian - the starfish Asterias rubens (Phylum Echinodermata)”, 28th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Leuven, Belgium (2016)
Delroisse Jérôme, Semmens Dean, Tian Shi, Adeiye Odekunle Esther, Weigang Cai, Alfonso Yanez Guerra Luis, Zandawala Meet, Egertova Michaela, Elphick R. Maurice, "Bilaterian Neuropeptide Gene Expression Patterns in the Pentaradial Bauplan of an Echinoderm”,3th London Echinoderm Network, London, United-Kingdom (2015)
Delroisse Jérôme, Zandawala Meet, Semmens Dean, Adeiye Odekunle Esther, Cai Weigang, Lin Ming, Tian Shi, Alfonso Yanez Guerra Luis, Marketta Blowes Liisa, Egertova Michaela, Scrivens H. James, Slade Sue, Elphick Maurice, "Pattern of neuropeptide gene expression in a pentaradial deuterostome”, London Evolutionary Research Network Conference", London, United-Kingdom (2015)
Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Photobiology of an echinoderm - between light perception and emission”,Neurobiology & Behaviour Group Meeting" , Queen Mary University of London, United-Kingdom (2015)
Ullrich-Lüter Esther, D'Agniello Salvatore, Delroisse Jérôme, Valero-Garcia Alberto, Arnone Ina, "The origin of Deuterostome Vision - Echinoderms Possess R-opsin AND C-opsin Expressing Photoreceptors Both Likely to be Involved in Vision”,107th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society", Göttingen, Germany (2015)
Ullrich-Lüter Esther, Arnone Ina, Valero-Gracia Alberto, D'Agniello Salvatore, Delroisse Jérôme, "Rhabdomeric AND ciliary photoreceptors involved in echinoderm vision?”, 3rd International Conference of Invertebrate Morphology, Berlin, Germany (2014)
Delroisse Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, Mallefet Jérôme, "Marine luciferases: are they really species-specific? A putative luciferase evolved by co-option in an echinoderm lineage”, 18th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, Uppsala, Suède (2014)
Delroisse Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Byefouling: Low-toxic cost-efficient environment-friendly antifouling materials”, CIBIM (Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine), Brussels, Belgium (2014)
Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Light on extraocular photoreception in echinoderms”, CIBIM (Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine), Brussels, Belgium (2014)
Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Photoréception extraoculaire de l’ophiure Amphiura filiformis”, CIBIM (Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine), Mons, Belgium (2013)
Delroisse J. et al. "Perceive the light without eyes: an echinoderm case”, 19th Zoological Benelux Congress, Brussels, Belgium (2012)
Delroisse J. et al. "Extraocular photoreception in the brittlestar Amphiura filiformis: detection of molecular markers”, 14th International Echinoderm Conference, Brussels, Belgium (2012)
Delroisse J. et al. "Between emission and perception: do luminous brittlestars perceive their own light?”, 17th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, Guelph, Canada (2012)
Delroisse J. et al. "Light perception in the bioluminescent ophiuroid Amphiura filiformis”, CIBIM (Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine), Brussels, Belgium (2012)
Delroisse J. et al. "Extraocular photoreception in metazoans: an integrated study on the bioluminescent ophiuroid Amphiura filiformis”, EFOR meeting: network of functional studies in model organisms, Paris, France (2012)
Delroisse J. et al. "Photoréception extraoculaire chez les métazoaires: étude intégrée sur l'ophiure lumineuse Amphiura filiformis”, 4ème Journée Scientifique du Pôle Hainuyer – Arts et Sciences, Mons, Belgium (2011)
Delroisse J. et al. "Fine structure of bioluminescent areas in the ophiuroid Amphiura filiformis”, 7th European Conference on Echinoderms, Göttingen, Germany (2010)
Poster communications
Hennebert Elise, Delnatte Amandine, Inglese Messaline, Braeckevelt Laura, Arcolia Vanessa, Simon Jean-François, Delroisse Jérôme, Masai Thibault. « Exploring QRICH2 as a Potential Male Contraceptive Target” in “SSR 57th annual meeting“, Dublin, Ireland (2024)
Wambreuse, N.; Delroisse, J.; Eeckhaut, I.; Borrello, L.; Bossiroy, E.; Caulier, G. (2024). Using sea cucumber coelomocytes as stress indicators? The case of lipopolysaccharide endotoxin, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 6 March 2024, Oostende. VLIZ Special Publication, 91: pp. 131
Jérôme Delroisse, Laurent Duchatelet, Flammang Patrick, Jérôme Mallefet. "Deciphering the Functional link between Bioluminescence and Extraocular Photoreception in marine invertebrates to unveil a possible convergent evolution", MdC2024, Mons, Belgium (2024)
Wambreuse, N., Borrello, L., Eeckhaut, I., Bureau, F., Fievez, L., Caulier, G., Delroisse, J., “How to live in a bacterial soup as a sea cucumber? By having powerful coelomocytes!”, IEC2024, Tenerife, Spain (2024)
Delroisse Jérôme et al., Benelux Congress of Zoology 2023, Leiden, Netherlands (2023).
Wendy Bayeart et al., Benelux Congress of Zoology 2023, Leiden, Netherlands (2023).
Nemo Lemaire et al., Benelux Congress of Zoology 2023, Leiden, Netherlands (2023).
Estelle Bossiroy et al., Benelux Congress of Zoology 2023, Leiden, Netherlands (2023).
Nonclercq, Y., Flammang, P., Eeckhaut, I., & Delroisse, J. (2023). Extraocellar and ocellar opsin-based photoreception in sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea, Echinodermata). The Fifth International Conference On Invertebrate Vision, Bäckaskog Castle, Sweden.
Nonclercq, Y., Lourtie, A., Eeckhaut, I., Flammang, P., & Delroisse, J. (30 May 2023). UNVEILING PHOTORECEPTION IN FEATHER STARS: phototaxis and opsin expression in Antedon bifida. Benelux Congress of Zoology 2023, Leiden, Netherlands.
Lemaire, N., Singh, N., Lin, A., Delroisse, J., Flammang, P., & Harrington J., M. (May 2023). The secret of softeness, a stiffening truth: an investigation of the molecular and structural properties of the mutable collagenous tissue in a European sea cucumber [Poster presentation]. The Benelux Congress of Zoology 2023, Leiden, Netherlands.
Delroisse Jérôme, Duchatelet Laurent, Flammang Patrick, Mallefet Jérôme, "Where does your gene come from? Evolution of light-emitting enzymes in luminous organisms”, 21th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence", Gijon, Spain (2022)
Wambreuse Noé, Delroisse Jérôme, Borrello Laura, Eeckhaut Igor, Caulier Guillaume, « Immunity of the endangered sea cucumber Holothuria scabra: a cell story » in « Mardi des Chercheurs 2022 (Mdc2022) », Mons, Belgium (2022)
Duthoo Emilie, Delroisse Jérôme, Maldonado Barbara, Harrington Matthew, Flammang Patrick, “Maturation of marine adhesive proteins: involvement of tyrosinases in mussels and tubeworms” in « Mardi des chercheurs 2022 (Mdc2022) », Mons, Belgium (2022)
Lourtie Alexia, Caulier Guillaume, Brasseur Lola, Delroisse Jérôme, Terrana Lucas, Gerbaux Pascal, Flammang Patrick, Mallefet Jérôme, Eeckhaut Igor. "Anthraquinones produced by crinoids allow host selection for the symbiotic snapping shrimp Synalpheus stimpsonii”,36th annual meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology ", Stellenbosch, South Africa (2021)
Nuyt Charlotte, Delroisse Jérôme, Duchatelet Laurent, Mallefet Jérôme. "Comparative study of the photophore ultrastructure of Dalatiidae and Etmopteridae sharks" in « Zoology 2021 », Kortrijk, Belgium (2022)
Roland Hassane, Delroisse Jérôme, Eeckhaut Igor. "The "Black Widows" from Madagascar”,Zoology 2021", Kortrijk, Belgium (2022)
Delroisse Jérôme, Gilbert Rémy, Elphick Maurice R., Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Perceive the world with five arms: opsin diversity and fonctions in the common sea star”,Zoology 2019", Groningen, Holland (2019)
Hennebert Elise, Senet Coralie, Leroy Baptiste, Wattiez Ruddy, Delroisse Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, Arcolia Vanessa, Simon Jean-François, "Ribosome integrity and activity in mature human spermatozoa”,Mardi des Chercheurs" , Mons, Belgium (2019)
Delroisse Jérôme, Van Wayenberge Kevin, Flammang Patrick, Eeckhaut Igor, "DISEASES IN AQUACULTURE: the skin ulceration syndrome of the aqua-cultivated sea cucumber Holothuria scabra in the South-West of Madagascar”,8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019)", Mons, Belgium (2019)
Calcagno Loic, Delroisse Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, Eeckhaut Igor, "Description of an “unknown organ” in the aquacultivated sea cucumber Holothuria scabra (Holothuroidea, Echinodermata) from the South-West of Madagascar”,Zoology Meeting 2018", Antwerp, Belgium (2018)
Delroisse Jérôme, Van Wayenberghe Kevin, Flammang Patrick, Eeckhaut Igor, "The skin ulceration syndrome of the aquacultivated sea cucumber Holothuria scabra (Holothuroidea, Echinodermata) in the South-West of Madagascar”,Zoology Meeting 2018", Antwerp, Belgium (2018)
Lengerer Birgit, Algrain Morgane, Delroisse Jérôme, Lefevre Mathilde, Hennebert Elise, Flammang Patrick, "Evolution of temporary adhesive proteins in sea stars”,3rd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (ICBBA 2018)", Haifa, Israel (2018)
Delroisse Jérôme, Ullrich-Lüter Esther, Blaue Stefanie, Flammang Patrick, Mallefet Jérôme, "Light on the photocytes of a brittle star: a combinatorial microscopy approach”,20th International Symposium on Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence", Nantes, France (2018)
Schoenaers Dorian, Delroisse Jérôme, Hwang Dong Soo, Harrington Matthew, Flammang Patrick, "The Smooth and the Scaly: Tunic Morphology of two Distant Urochordates, Halocynthia roretzi (Ord. Phlebobranchia) and Ciona intestinalis (Ord. Stolidobranchia).”,4th International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology", Moscow, Russia (2017)
Delroisse Jérôme, Ullrich-Lüter Esther, D'Aniello Salvatore, Valero-Gracia Alberto, Lowe E.K., Byrne M., Cannon J.T., Halanych K.M., Elphick Maurice R., Kaul-Strehlow S., Lowe C.J., Wanninger A., Arnone Maria-Ina, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "T'as d'belles opsines tu sais!”,Huitième édition montoise du MdC: le Mardi des Chercheurs 2017", UMONS, Belgium (2017)
Maldonada Barbara, Hennebert Elise, Delroisse Jérôme, Van De Weerdt Cécile, Flammang Patrick, « Identification and localisation of various tyrosinase isoforms in the foot of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis » in "Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology”, Göteborg, Suède (2017)
Delroisse Jérôme, Blaue Stefanie, Ullrich-Lüter Esther, Flammang Patrick, Mallefet Jérôme, "Combinatorial microscopy approach to study the bioluminescence of an echinoderm”,Golden Jubilee Meeting of the Royal Belgian Society for Microscopy" , Brussels, Belgium (2016)
Alfonso Yanez Guerra Luis, Delroisse Jérôme, Egertova Michaela, Elphick Maurice R., "Functional characterisation of tachykinin-like peptides in an echinoderm”,LS Neuroscience Conference", London, UK (2016)
Delroisse Jérôme, Duchatelet Laurent, Gouveneaux Anaïd, Flammang Patrick, Mallefet Jérôme, "Opsin diversity in a luminous worm”,19th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence", Tsukuba, Japan (2016)
Delroisse Jérôme, Duchatelet Laurent, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Opsin-based light perception in the velvet lantern shark”,19th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence", Tsukuba, Japan (2016)
Delroisse Jérôme, Blaue Stefanie, Ullrich-Lüter Esther, Flammang Patrick, Mallefet Jérôme, "Combinatorial microscopy approach to study the bioluminescence of an echinoderm”,Biological and bio-inspired adhesion meeting, Research Institute for Biosciences (UMONS)", Mons, Belgium (2016)
Delroisse Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, Mallefet Jérôme, "Looking for New Luciferases? Rna-seq can help”,Benelux Congress of Zoology", Antwerp, Belgium (2016)
Duchatelet Laurent, Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, "Extraocular perception of its own light, a new bioluminescence control mechanism in a shark?”,International Conference of Zoology ", Okinawa, Japan (2016)
Zandawala Meet, Delroisse Jérôme, Alphonso Yanez Guerra Luis, Moghul Ismail, Waffa Z., Abylkassimova N., Hugall A.F., O'hara Tim, Elphick R. Maurice, "Evolution of neuropeptide precursors: large-scale sequencing of ophiuroid echinoderms reveals clade-specific loss and gain of neuropeptide”,28th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists", Leuven, Belgium (2016)
Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Mussel adhesion test as a tool to assess new antifouling coatings”,International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling", Toulon, France (2016)
Delroisse Jérôme, Blaue Stefanie, Ullrich-Lüter Esther, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Combinatorial microscopy approach to study the bioluminescence of an echinoderm”,Biological and bio-inspired adhesion meeting, Research Institute for Biosciences (UMONS)", Mons, Belgium (2016)
Larroze Séverine, Teixeira Tania, Maranhao Manuela, Demeuldre Mélanie, Delroisse Jérôme, Gutner-Hoch Eldad, Piller Chen, Benayahu Yehuda, Avelelas Francisco, Oliveira Tania, Martins Roberto, Tedim Joao, Flammang Patrick, "Assessing the performance of low-toxic, cost-efficient and environment-friendly antifouling materials”,International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling", Toulon, France (2016)
Delroisse Jérôme, Duchatelet Laurent, Ullrich-Lüter Esther, Flammang Patrick, Mallefet Jérôme, "Émettre et/ou Recevoir: Les organismes bioluminescents perçoivent-ils leur propre lumière?”,9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016)" , Valenciennes, France (2016)
Teixeira T. P., Larroze Séverine, Bardócz Tamás, Neiva Maranhao M. M., Doshev L., Scicluna M. L., Hennebert Elise, Delroisse Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, GUNTER-HOCH E., PILLER C., MAILICK R., WEIS M., BENAYAHU Y., "Performance Tests of Low-Toxic, Cost-Efficient and Environment-Friendly Antifouling Materials”,European aquaculture conference" , Rotterdam, The Netherlands (2015)
Delroisse Jérôme, Ullrich-Lüter Esther, Flammang Patrick, Dupont Sam, Ortega-Martinez Olga, Mallefet Jérôme, "Marine Luciferases: Are they really taxon-specific? A putative luciferase evolved by co-option in an echinoderm lineage”,Marine Animal Models in Evolution and Development (EMBO, practical course)", Kristineberg, Sweden (2015)
Delroisse Jérôme, Zandawala Meet, Semmens Dean, Adeiye Odekunle Esther, Weigang Cai, Lin Ming, Tian Shi, Alfonso Yanez Guerra Luis, Marketta Blowes Liisa, Egertova Michaela, Scrivens H. James, Slade Sue, Elphick R. Maurice, "Neuropeptide Function in a Decentralised Nervous System”,Marine Animal Models in Evolution and Development (EMBO, practical course)", Kristineberg, Sweden (2015)
Delroisse Jérôme, Ullrich-Lüter Esther, Dupont Sam, Ortega-Martinez Olga, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Marine Luciferases: Are they taxon-specific? A putative luciferase evolved by co-option in an echinoderm lineage”,EMBO Workshop: Marine animal models in evolution and development - Focus on neurobiology ", Kristineberg, Sweden (2015)
Delroisse Jérôme, Zandawala Meet, Semmens Dean, Odekunle Esther A., Cai Weigang, Lin Ming, Tian Shi, Alfonso Yanez Guerra Luis, Marketta Blowes Liisa, Egertova Michaela, Scrivens James H., Slade Sue, Elphick Maurice R., "Neuropeptide function in a decentralized nervous system”,EMBO Workshop: Marine animal models in evolution and development - Focus on neurobiology ", Kristineberg, Sweden (2015)
Delroisse Jérôme, Ullrich-Lüter Esther, Valero-Gracia Alberto, D'Agniello Salvatore, Arnone Maria-Ina, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Molecular basis of the echinoderm vision”,21st Benelux Congress of Zoology”, Liège, Belgium (2014)
Claes Julien M., Mallefet Jérôme, Delroisse Jérôme, Duchatelet Laurent, "Extraocular opsin detection in lantern shark (Etmopterus spinax) photogenic tissue”,21st Benelux Congress of Zoology", Liège, Belgium (2014)
Valero-Gracia Alberto, D'Agniello Salvatore, Ullrich-Lüter Esther, Delroisse Jérôme, Arnone Maria-Ina, "Photoreceptor cell evolution in Ambulacraria, a first contribution.”,3rd International Conference of Invertebrate Morphology", Berlin, Germany (2014)
Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, Valero-Garcia Alberto, D'Aniello Salvatore, Ullrich-Lüter Esther, Arnone Maria-Ina, "Photoreceptor cell evolution in Ambulacraria, a first contribution”,5th meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EED)", Vienna, Austria (2014)
Delroisse Jérôme, Ullrich-Lüter Esther, Ortega-Martinez Olga, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Opsin-based photoreception in a luminous brittle star”,18th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence", Uppsala, Suède (2014)
Delroisse Jérôme, Ullrich-Lüter Esther, Ortega-Martinez Olga, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Light perception in a bioluminescent ophiuroid”,3rd International Conference of Invertebrate Morphology", Berlin, Germany (2014)
Claes Julien M., Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, "Interaction between bioluminescence and denticles in sharks.”,International Conference "Living Light: Uniting biology and photonics"", Namur, Belgium (2014)
Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Light perception in brittle stars: detection of the molecular actors”,International Conference on Invertebrate Vision", Fjälkinge, Sweden (2013)
Delroisse Jérôme, Mallefet Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, "Case of a bioluminescent brittle star - How to glow in the dark with a "cnidarian-type luciferase"?”,7ème édition de la Matinée de Chercheurs", Mons, Belgium (2013)
Delroisse Jérôme, Lanterbecq Déborah, Eeckhaut Igor, Flammang Patrick, "Opsin detection in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and the sea star Asterias rubens”,14th International Echinoderm Conference", Brussels, Belgium (2012)
Delroisse Jérôme, Fourgon Didier, Eeckhaut Igor, "Reproductive cycles and recruitment of the two co-existing tropical brittle-stars from the barrier reef of Toliara (Madagascar), Ophiocoma scolopendrina and Ophiomastixvenosa”, 14th International Echinoderm Conference", Brussels, Belgium (2012)
Delroisse Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, Mallefet Jérôme, "Photoréception des invertébrés marins: étude d'un cas particulier, l'ophiure lumineuse Amphiura filiformis”, 6ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs (MDC 2011)", Mons, Belgium (2011)
Lanterbecq Déborah, Delroisse Jérôme, Flammang Patrick, Eeckhaut Igor, "Photoreception in echinoderms: genetic identification of opsins in representatives of the five different classes”,13th International Echinoderm Conference", Hobart, Tasmania (2009)